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교재 QnA

[초등·유아 > 영어] 초등영문법 3800제 5

Chiaki Fujiyoshi2021.07.04페이지 : 8쇄 수 : 155답변현황 : 답변완료

The question in P156-11.

다음 주어진 표현을 사용하여 우리말 뜻에 맞게 문장을 완성해 보세요 중

저 남자는 무대에서 가장 잘생긴 배우야.

(handsome, actor) That man is ----- ----- ----- on stage.


I guess the question itself is so weird since the adjective "handsome' can be changed to both "handsome-hansomer-handsomest" and "more handsome-the most handsome."

If the answer should be "more-the most", it needs to be explained why the answer to this question should be "more-the most" pattern.


Sorry if it has already been corrected, since my computer does not support hwp files.


Mr. Fujiyoshi,


Thank you for the support to our publisher's books. 

This is in regard to your inquiry about <초등영문법 3800제 level 5>


The purpose of solving Practice 3 (p.155~157) is to make sure that a student remember the superlative forms of adjectives. 

We are aware that the adjective 'handsome' has two forms of comparatives and superlatives -more/most and -er/-est- according to dictionaries,

but 'more handsome' and 'most handsome' is more commonly used. 

When googled both 'most' form and '-est' form of the word, 'the most handsome' had 349,000,000 results whereas handsomest had 1,910,000 results.

I also checked the News on the Web Corpus(https://www.english-corpora.org/now/) to find that more-most form is five times more used in the articles.


I hope your questions is cleared with this e-mail.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 

We will continue to make high quality learning textbooks. 



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